1. No joke the compactness of that 300W charger is astonishing! It’s like 3-4 times smaller than a corresponding 300W PSU! That’s the powerhouse!

  2. 삼성은 아직도 10분의1수준도 안된다 45w지원이라지만 실제로는 25w속도로 충전되고 게임이나 랩구동중에는 10w이하 속도도 나오지…노트7 사고이후 충전과 배터리 쫄보가 되어버려서….

  3. I have Redmi 10 prime with 18w fast charging😅 but it’s enough for me that charge my phone frm 30% – 94% max in about 1hr30 mins. Which have a 6000mah battery❤
    I ❤ Xiaomi

  4. Yeah, I dunno, you’re talking about exposing device smaller than your hand to well over 15amps, the physics just don’t add up. How is a cable that thin able to deliver such power without failing? How does the phone not overheat?

  5. But jsut last year oppo said we recahed the limit of Type C specification by providing 240W. So how come 300W now? New Type C specs releaed?

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